banking personalization
by the numbers
Survey basics
We interviewed 1,000 working-age adults in North America about their banking personalization preferences. Of those respondents, 500 live in a household without children or seniors, 250 live with children under 21, and 250 live in a household with adults over 65.
Satisfied customers?
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We dug deeper. As we asked more questions, this picture of satisfaction became murkier. Given more detailed options, households - especially multigenerational ones - say they want banking that better fits their needs.
We asked: Do you feel that you have adequate resources to successfully plan for your / your children's / your elderly family members' future?
Saying “yes” to multigenerational banking
We asked: How interested would you be in banking offerings that help you manage your multigenerational household now or in the future?
We asked: If you would be willing to share additional personal information beyond the information a bank would typically ask for regarding your finances, what kind of personalized offers would you be open to receiving?
Parents are ready.
When asked about breakthrough personalization, respondents said they want cutting-edge options.
We asked: How interested would you be in receiving custom, real-time financial recommendations generated by AI, even if it requires giving banks access to personal information?